Announcement of selection: “IN GIOCO” project’s secondary level job guidance training


The project IN GIOCO is implemented in the Municipality of Palermo, and it aims to strengthen migrant people’s access to job services, foster their employment into new fields and promote self-entrepreneurship through skills deepening and paths of self-enhancement. IN GIOCO is supported by Fondazione Con il Sud.

Art. 1 – Announcement subject

SEND, as IN GIOCO project’s coordinator, in cooperation with Per Esempio Onlus and CESIE, is opening a call for participation in a training on secondary level job guidance training with the support of training counsellors and tutors in order to explore and develop one’s skills in facing the labour market’s issues consciously. Participants will be supported to understand what “soft skills” are, why they are so important in the labour market and how to recognise them and distinguish them from the “hard skills”. Innovative ideas in the social sector will be also explored, while stimulating the development of an entrepreneurial vision focusing on the distinction between various social enterprises. The secondary level job guidance training is aimed to analyse participants’ interests and aspirations and support them to gain self-reliance in looking for new jobs. The understanding of one’s own needs and capabilities, along with the analysis of the labour market’s requirements allows the development of a greater research capability and increases the chances to find a job that matches with one’s own competences.

This call for applications will allow the selection of 20 foreign participants who reside in the Municipality of Palermo and are interested in undertaking a 38 hours secondary level job guidance training which includes:

  • Practical activities allowing the exchange of views and the better understanding of one’s own competences. Some non-formal activities will be also carried out in order to foster a reflection on one’s own competences and aspirations, through discussions with others and self-reflection;
  • Guided tour in established enterprises that will enable participants to discover new realities so as to stimulate self-entrepreneurship processes;
  • Participations of external guests who will share their own experiences, allowing discussions and undoing possible doubts and curiosities.

For further information about the call for participation it is possible to contact Dr. Marzia Campione form Per Esempio ONLUS, by sending her an e-mail at this address or calling her at the following number +39 392 4474527 (phone calls – SMS – WhatsApp).

Art. 2 – Organisation of the training path

The training path will be structured as follows: a weekly meeting of 4 hours for a total duration of two months. At the end of the first guidance cycle other 3 cycles will follow, which in case of exclusion from the first one, should the number of applications exceed the available places, will enable participants to apply for them.

During the training hours all the necessary learning material will be supplied.

At the end of the route guidance it is foreseen to:

  • Grant a certificate of participation;
  • Provide support to the development of the curriculum vitae or its update;

The certificate of participation will be granted on the basis of the number of hours effectively attended, which will be verified by means of a daily filled out sign-in sheet by the classroom tutor. In order to obtain it, it will be necessary to attend at least the 70% of the total amount of hours foreseen for the training path.

Participants will be informed about the location and schedule of the meetings before the begin of the first training cycle, envisaged for the end of January.

Art. 3 – Admission requirements

In order to access the selection, it is necessary to:

  • Have a good knowledge of Italian language (B1 level), even if not certified;
  • Send the required documentation correctly as described under the Art.4.

Art. 4 – Terms of application

In order to apply for this call, it is essential to fill in and send out the Application Form by 20 January, the latest.

The Application Form can be:


  • Handed over in paper form
    • At the premises of IN GIOCO Peer to Peer help desks to one of peer to peer counsellors (at the following link: is possible to find the meeting schedule);
    • At the premise of Per Esempio Onlus in via Saladino 3/5, 90134 Palermo, from Monday to Friday, from 10:30 to 13:00.

The Application Form has to be filled in thoroughly. It is recommended to show in the application form a phone number that the applicant uses regularly, since the communication will be conducted through phone calls and messages.


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